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A message from our CEO: The first step to a healthier you

GEHA | June 29, 2022

Art Nizza, GEHA President and CEO, shares how GEHA keeps our members healthy and well.

Author-A-Nizza-DSWThe past two years have seen many things, routine and familiar, fall by the wayside as we adjust to the "new normal." Unfortunately, some of what has suffered are regular preventive care appointments and regular exercise as Americans spend more time in their homes or even in "lockdown."

Now that we are entering a new phase of the pandemic, we must reverse the trend and re-establish health routines that help us live our best lives.

There are seven elements that make up our total health and well-being: physical activity, mental health, cognitive resiliency, diet, nutrition, emotional and spiritual well-being, and environmental factors. The thought of addressing all seven elements at once is daunting, but there is always time to take the first step.

When was your last checkup with your health care provider?

Whether it’s time for annual blood work or preventive screenings, simply taking the time to visit with your primary care provider when you are feeling well can help set you on a path to better health care and well-being.

At GEHA, our mission is to empower our members to be healthy and well. One way we do this is by ensuring our members have access to preventive care and regular screenings, and we provide frequent reminders about the importance of both. Take control of your health and well-being by scheduling an appointment with a provider. It is a great investment in yourself.