For Providers

Welcome, providers. When you register for a Provider web account, you are establishing a secure, personal web account that offers you access to the following services:

Eligibility search
When you make an eligibility inquiry, you will see the GEHA health and dental plans that provide benefits to the patient. Click on the plan description to get a summary of benefits and check amounts applied toward calendar year deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.

Claims search
When you make a claims inquiry, you will see a list of health and dental claims processed by GEHA. Click on an individual claim to view the online version of a GEHA explanation of benefits form (EOB). The claim detail will include the date of service along with dollar amounts for charges and benefits.

Submit Documents
Providers can submit a variety of documents to GEHA via their web account. Here's how to get started:

1. Register for your web account
You'll choose your own username and password, so only you have access to your account information.

2. Sign in to your web account
If you've already registered for a web account but don't remember the password you created, click Forgot Password.

3. Review your Provider Dashboard
After you sign in, you'll see your Provider Dashboard. From this screen, you can quickly access the tools described above.

Providers do not need to sign in to access information about Authorizations/Precertifications. (If you're ready to download an authorization forms, click Authorization Forms.)

GEHA web accounts are protected from access by unauthorized users. For more information, see the GEHA Privacy Policy.