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Where to submit claims

If Medicare is the patient's primary plan:
If you have claims for G.E.H.A FEHB or PSHB members and Medicare is the primary plan, G.E.H.A participates in CMS’ Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA) Program and will receive claims and the Medicare primary benefit information electronically from the Coordination of Benefits Contractor (COBC).

If you do have electronic claim submission capabilities, please submit claims electronically.
All medical and dental claims should be submitted to EDI 39026.

If you do not have electronic claim submission capabilities, you can mail claims on standard HCFA, UB and dental claim forms to the appropriate address below:

Medical claims:

G.E.H.A Medical Claims
P.O. Box 21172
Eagan, MN 55121
Dental claims:

G.E.H.A Dental Claims
P.O. Box 21191
Eagan, MN 55121