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Watermelon granita

GEHA | August 31, 2018

Try this cool and refreshing watermelon granita with only 70 calories per serving.


2 limes
2 tsp. sugar, divided
1/3 cup water 
1 1/2 to 2 lbs. cubed seedless watermelon
Mint leaves for garnish, if desired

Using fine grater, zest the limes. In small bowl, combine zest, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1/4 cup of juice from limes. In small saucepan, combine remaining sugar with 1/3 cup water. Bring mixture to boil. When sugar is dissolved, add zest mixture. Remove from heat, stir and cool to room temperature.

In blender or food processor, puree melon to make 3 cups liquid. Place in 9"x 9" metal pan. Blend in syrup. Cover with plastic wrap and place in freezer. Freeze until slightly hard, 6-8 hours; stir. Before serving, scrape well with fork and scoop into serving bowls.

Garnish with mint, if desired. Serve immediately.

Makes 4 servings.

Nutritional values per serving:

 0 gtotal fat
 0 gsaturated fat
19 gcarbohydrate
 0 gdietary fiber
 1 g protein
 0 mgsodium

Reprinted on June 27, 2018, courtesy of the American Institute for Cancer Research. For more, visit