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Newsletter Sign-Up Form

Welcome to GEHA's quarterly health and wellness e-newsletter — created especially for federal employees and retirees. In each issue, you'll find valuable news, updates and expert advice on health and wellness-related topics. Simply fill out the form below to subscribe.

GEHA will not share your information with any other party. GEHA respects the privacy of visitors to the GEHA website as well as those who subscribe to our quarterly health and wellness e-newsletter. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

Need help choosing a plan?

Let our benefits experts help you choose a G.E.H.A plan that can work for you.

By phone: Available 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT
Live chat: Available 7 a.m.–6 p.m. CT

More ways to contact us
Current G.E.H.A member needing help?

Health questions: 1-800-821-6136

Dental questions: 1-877-434-2336

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