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How can I maintain routine oral care during the pandemic?

GEHA | February 28, 2022

Have you missed a dental appointment due to the pandemic? Follow these oral care tips to maintain your oral health.

Dr. Patty Steiner 

Dr. Patty Steiner is Director of Dental Networks and Plans at GEHA. Patty is responsible for administering, maintaining and expanding GEHA’s dental plans, provider relations and credentialing activities. She has clinical, chair-side and practice management experience — including private practice, Veterans Affairs clinic and a staff-model clinic. 

Many people put their oral health visits on hold during the pandemic either because their dental care provider suspended non-emergency dental treatment or patients didn’t feel comfortable visiting their oral health care providers office. If you’ve experienced delays in visiting your dentist, you still can practice good oral hygiene during these uncertain times to maintain and optimal state of health.

Here are some best practices to ensure your oral health:

  • Stay hydrated – make a conscious effort to drink adequate water.
  • Maintain a healthy diet with adequate fruit and vegetables, refrain from refined carbohydrates or a high sugar diet
  • Floss daily to remove food debris hiding in between teeth and rinse daily with an antiseptic mouth rinse containing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide
  • Brush for at least 2 minutes twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Remember to change your toothbrush regularly; every 3-4 months is recommended or earlier if the bristles are worn.

As dental offices open up for more appointments, reach out to your oral care provider to learn how their operations have changes and how you can schedule an appointment. Some offices also offer virtual appointments or consultations which could be another option for you.